Tuesday, October 1, 2013


For the first time since I decided to move, I am now having misgivings  it will be a good idea. That is not to say that I think it would be any better for me to stay where I am now, but simply that I think I may have been hasty in choosing my destination. Sure, San Francisco is very tech-oriented, and I do love my tech. But I look at the lives of people who have made a life for themselves in the tech industry there, and I notice a difference between us: most of them have been programming and/or fiddling with electronics their whole life on a very low-level basis.

While it is true, I understand the theory behind how computers run and, given certain basic supplies, I could probably build a rudimentary computer. Most of what I have done on my computers has been at the consumer level; that is, I didn't really fiddle with their components or their code. As a result, I have had to play catch up, and I am still very far behind everyone else in the industry. I am hoping that my ideas and creativity will make up for my simpler understanding of the technical sides of the field in which I intend to be employed.

I simply cannot shake the feeling that I am making a huge, horrible mistake. Fortunately, I planned for this in advance by not buying a refundable ticket. I even knew I would eventually feel this way. I have no way of combating it, and so I will suffer through until I get excited again. It shouldn't take very long. After all, it's San Francisco.

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